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Jimin Lee is a composer for film and multimedia, based in Los Angeles California. Originally from South Korea, Jimin attended the Berklee College of Music in Boston Massachusetts pursuing her passion to study film music in depth as the next step after earning her bachelor's degree in contemporary composition from Ewha Womans University. As a student, she was awarded George Delerue Memorial Scholarship for outstanding achievement from Film Scoring Department.

Jimin started to play the piano at the age of 6. Since the moment she transcribed piano part from her father’s favorite song at the age of 11, making music has been more of her interest than performing music. Not long after, she met the movie that awakened her about the presence and the role of music in films. It became her dream to be a film composer since then.

As much as she likes classic Hollywood movies, she also has love and great passion towards art-house and independent films. Her work stands out especially for compositional techniques coming from classically trained background and also her sensitive nature that adds layers of emotions to her music. Jimin’s first priority in creating music is her music to deeply resonate with audiences.

대한민국 서울 생

이화여자대학교 졸업 (작곡)

보스턴 버클리 음대 졸업 (영화음악작곡)

현재 캘리포니아주 로스앤젤레스에서 다양한 작・편곡 및 영화음악 작업 진행 중

6살때 처음 만난 피아노와 지금까지 오랜 날들을 함께 하며 마음을 움직이게 하는 소리를 찾고 또 찾고 있습니다. 깊은 메세지의 울림이 있는 영화는 가리지 않고 좋아하며, 인디와 아트하우스에 대한 애정이 큽니다.

음악을 만들면서 무엇보다도 우선시 하는 가치는 듣는 이와 음악 사이의 정서적인 연결, 즉 소통이라고 생각합니다.


Photo Credit YEONINSA

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